Town of Southport NY

Town Assessor

Assessor's Office
1139 Pennsylvania Avenue
Elmira, NY 14904

Phone: 607 734-4424 option 4
Fax: 607 737-5267

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4pm

Assessor (in the office Tuesdays & Thursdays)
David Reger -

Assessor Aide
Michelle Murray -


Parcel Consolidation/Merger Form
Grievance Form RP524

Agricultural Exemption Renewal Application
Agricultural Assessment Information

Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers Exemption
Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Certification form

STAR Resource Center
Senior Citizens Exemption Info & Application
Cold War Veterans Exemption Info & Application
(exemption currently applies only to county taxes)

The Co. of Chemung has recently passed a resolution to raise the 
income limits for the Senior Citizen Exemption.

The previous income limit was $25,200.
The new income limit is now $37,399.

Many Senior Citizens who previously may have not qualified will now qualify.
You can find the application and instructions for the Senior Citizen Exemption at

Changes to STAR Exemption


 NYS froze the STAR exemptions at the 2019 value.

This includes both BASIC STAR and ENHANCED STAR. 

NYS did this to encourage property owners with STAR exemptions to switch to receiving a check instead of a reduction on their school tax bill.  The NYS STAR checks may increase 2% per year as school budgets increase but the exemption will remain frozen at the 2019 value.

In order to maximize your STAR benefit you must register to receive your STAR credit in check form.

To register for the STAR credit in check form, have the following information available and follow the instructions below:

  • 2024 Tax Bill
  • Social Security numbers for all property owners
  • Birthdates for all property owners
  • 2023 Income tax statement (1040 or 1099)

Once you have all the required information, follow this link:

Instructions for registering to receive your STAR exemption in the form of a check:

To register over the phone, call NYS STAR Hotline: (518) 457-2036

To register online,  c
lick this link:

If you don't register to receive a check, the more school tax years that pass the greater the increase in your school taxes will be due to the exemption amount being frozen at the 2019 value.

If you would like to compare the potential increase in exemption you may receive by switching to the STAR Credit from the Star Exemption, click on the link below.

STAR credit and exemption savings amounts (

Resources for questions registering for STAR exemption:

NYS STAR Hotline: 518-457-2036 - Note: there may be a long wait.

Town of Southport Assessor's Office: 607-734-4424 ext. 4

Town Assessor Code Enforcement Town Clerk Town Court Highway Department Parks & Recreation
Agendas & Minutes Applications & Forms Fire & Flood

Town of Southport
1139 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, NY 14904
(607) 734-1548 |
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