Fire & FloodFire Departments Webbs Mills Fire District #4 - Monthly Meetings will be held on 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Election Notice & Annual Meeting (link) Pine City Fire District #1 Southport Fire Protection District District #1 Big Flats Fire District #2
Stormwater/Flood The Town of Southport has a history of damage from flooding, streambank erosion, and drainage problems. Ongoing efforts to reduce damage include: stormwater management, floodplain management, drainage system maintenance, and construction of flood attenuation wetlands. Flood insurance is available for any building in the Town, with a small discount due to the Town's participation in the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program. Contact the Code Enforcement Department at 607 737-5268 for: --Information about stormwater management requirements --To review Flood Hazard Maps (which delineate regulated floodplain areas) --Floodplain development permits (required for all development within the regulated floodplain) --FEMA Elevation Certificates (to document elevations of floodplain buildings for permit and insurance purposes) --To report illegal floodplain development activities --To report dumping of debris, including yard wastes, into a creek, or river --Technical assistance with techniques for protecting your property from flood damage Links: Town of Southport is a member of the Stormwater Coalition of Chemung County Information about floodplain developmnt requirements, local flood hazards, flood warnings, flood safety, and other topics. Southport Hazard Mitigation Plan (scroll down page) Flood Smart - Information about the National Flood Insurance Program. Local Flood Information National Flood Safety Awareness at Chemung County Hazard Mitigation Plan Documents: |